Resources for Faith Formation
Rev. Teresa Dunn has assembled valuable faith formation resources for individuals, small groups, and Sunday school classes. The faith formation resource library will continue to expand and provide creative and relevant selections for growing a deeper understanding and closer relationship with God.
Contact Teresa Dunn to learn more about our online groups and finding the right group for you. Connect with Teresa by EMAIL or call 704-714-9366.
Discipleship Assessment
In The United Methodist Church, we see that foundation as made firmer by five commitments made when becoming a member of a local congregation. We promise faithfully to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. Each of these five spiritual practices is a building block of one’s faith.
Providence United Methodist Church has created an online instrument to assist you in growing in your Christian faith. Upon completion of this online tool, you will receive an email summarizing your results. This first email will also focus on prayer and include various resources our church provides or that you can connect to online or with the assistance of a member of our clergy or lay staff. Over the next five weeks, you will receive a different vow along with various resources. The final email will include everything from the first five emails. This is so that you can practice becoming a disciple with purpose.
Recommended Apps
Creative videos helping people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.
A resource of the WNCC Resource Center. Be sure to follow the app instructions upon download.
Online Resources
An extensive library or discipleship resources for individuals, classes, and small groups
Discipleship Ministries has a collection of resources addressing the issue of racism, oppression, violence, and more.
Dialogues on Race videos and you can request the Leader’s Guide to be sent to you by contacting Teresa Dunn by EMAIL.
These short videos are great for stimulating deeper thought and discussion. Be sure to check the second episode called “Gifts Ungiven”.
These short videos from pastors and authors offer words of comfort in times of uncertainty.
The Metro District Sights & Sounds podcast with Stephanie Moore Hand as the host.
The God We Can Know is a 7-week study designed for the entire congregation to explore the “I Am” sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John.