Adult Sunday Classes
PUMC offers Adult Sunday School Classes that are great environments for group fellowship, Bible Study, discussions, and sharing life together. There are classes based on life stages, study focus, discussions, and more. Our Adult Classes are active beyond Sundays as they gather throughout the year or social events and also serve together with local ministry partners. Teresa Dunn is ready to help you connect in the class that meets your needs. You can EMAIL Teresa as a next step to get involved in an Adult Class.
Contact Teresa Dunn to learn more about our online groups and finding the right group for you. Connect with Teresa by EMAIL or call 704-714-9366.
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Find a Class for You
This adult class is led by class members and typically has 3-4 week series and single Sunday lessons. This class has social events throughout the year and is involved in service opportunities.
+ Michele Turner is the Class Contact / EMAIL
This class features a combination of multi-media and lecture-style Bible study, followed by brief class discussions, and is led by class members and occasionally pastors. The Chipley class gathers for social events and various serve opportunities.
+ Margaret Weeks is the Class Contact / EMAIL
In this class, lessons are led by class members & guest teachers. The lessons are faith oriented book studies and includes some video series, such as ones by Adam Hamilton. This class gathers for social events and various service opportunities.
+ Iris Grieswell is the Class Contact / EMAIL
This class contains facilitator-led discussions that bring our faith into our contemporary world. Lessons, which are member-chosen book studies, help us explore our Bible and faith. The Contemporary Women’s class gathers for social and serve opportunities.
+ Darlene Brown is the Class Contact / EMAIL
This class has member-led and visitor-led studies and discussions. The class includes Bible studies, faith-oriented books, and societal issues. Crosstalker Class meets for social gatherings and serve opportunities.
+ Mary Lou Cagle is the Class Contact / EMAIL
This class will focus on each Sunday’s sermon scripture Bible study led by Rev. Brandon Dirks
+ Rev. Brandon Dirks is the Class Contact / EMAIL
Participants in our Joy Community are active in worship, Wednesdays at Providence, and many other church activities. The Joy Community is a supportive fellowship group and they engage in Bible based lessons with lively music.
+ Contact Elaine Levi / EMAIL
This class is discussion focused and led by class volunteers and guest speakers. Discussions and lessons focus on contemporary issues with Bible focused studies. All topics are chosen by class members. Patchwork gathers for social events and serve opportunities.
+ Chuck Talmadge is the Class Contact / 704-334-3793
This class is discussion style, led by class volunteers and guest speakers. Lessons range from Bible studies, family life needs & contemporary concerns/issues and are selected by class members
+ Jena Culler is the Class Contact / EMAIL
This class focuses on adult Bible series taught by class members, guest teachers, and retired pastors. There are special topics, such as reports on the Duke Endowment. This class gathers for social events and serve opportunities.
+ Phil Eisenhauer is the Class Contact / EMAIL
This class’s focus is on growing faith by expanding our knowledge of the Bible and strengthening our prayer life. Soul Purpose gathers for social events and serve opportunities.
+ Amy Millikan is the Class Contact / EMAIL