PUMW: Putting Love into Action
Providence United Methodist Women (PUMW), a unit of United Women in Faith, believes love in action can change the world. We support missions focusing on women, children, and youth in Charlotte and around the world, and offer women of all ages opportunities for mission outreach, spiritual growth, and social action. You choose the level of involvement that fits your schedule, whether it’s the monthly General Meeting with a guest speaker, smaller, more personal fellowship “Circles” with women of your age and interests, or one of our church, community, and global service projects.
We invite you to visit our Circle meetings and our monthly General Meeting, or join us making sandwiches for the Soup Kitchen, volunteering at Dove’s Nest, collecting children’s pajamas, or serving with any of our mission projects. And in the process, we’ll help you make new friends, grow spiritually, and find ways to support women, children, and youth.
Faith, Hope, & Love in Action
Monthly Meetings with Featured Speakers
We have a general meeting on the first Tuesday of the month with a special guest speaker. Topics highlight the UMW mission of making a difference in the lives of women, children, and youth.
Cookie Walk
This long standing annual event sells baked goods and craft items to raise funds that are divided between UMAR, and Partners 4 New Hope Hospital. Hundreds of hours of loving labor yield donations in excess of $20,000 to the fundraiser’s designated missions.
Circle Gatherings
We have a number of small groups that allow for close fellowship where you feel nurtured by communal study, friendship, and service to others. Our circles are named after inspiring women in the Bible. Let us find a circle gathering that is right for you!
Our Mission Partners
Providence United Methodist Women supports the following mission partners through ongoing volunteer support and monetary donations.