Easter Butterflies
to Mar 30

Easter Butterflies

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It is time to order butterflies! We will once again hold the butterfly release event on Easter Sunday (April 20). Click HERE to order your butterflies. The deadline to order is March 16. Butterflies will be ready for pickup on March 30.

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Bag Lunch Lenten Study with Pastor Randy
to Apr 17

Bag Lunch Lenten Study with Pastor Randy

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Pastor Randy will be leading a Bag Lunch study again this year during the Season of Lent. Everyone is invited to join him in the Parlor at noon on Wednesday, March 12, and each Thursday thereafter at noon (beginning on March 20) for a weekly study of Living with the Mind of Christ, by James Harnish. There’s no need to purchase the book or read it in advance, as Pastor Randy will present and lead the discussion. Bring a bag lunch if you wish, though, and enjoy the conversation! 

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Connections in Christ
to Mar 22

Connections in Christ

Connections in Christ is a new ministry for the 55+ community (although all ages are welcome).

Programs will be held on the third Tuesday of each month in Providence UMC’s Atrium. These gatherings will include fellowship, refreshments, a speaker, and music.


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Providence Got Talent
12:30 PM12:30

Providence Got Talent

Join us this Saturday, March 8 at 7 PM as we celebrate the many talented folks here at Providence UMC in an evening of free entertainment in our Atrium. Please plan to attend and invite friends. You’re likely to hear anything from old jazz standards to opera arias to songs from current musicals! And who knows what other surprises might be in store! The evening will include a time for dessert and fellowship. We hope to see you there!

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Women's Retreat
to Mar 2

Women's Retreat

nstead of a weekend retreat away from Charlotte, this year’s Women’s Retreat has pivoted to a Friday, February 28 gathering at Providence UMC from 6 to 9 PM. Dinner will be provided, along with many of the retreat highlights we have all come to love. If you’ve never gone on a women’s retreat, this is a great place to start!

We hope you’ll join us! Click HERE to register.

Questions? Contact Rev. Teresa Dunn HERE

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Men's Gathering
3:30 PM15:30

Men's Gathering

Save the dates! Providence UMC, Dilworth UMC, St. Francis UMC, and St. Stephen UMC have a collective Men's Gathering group that meets quarterly. Gatherings include a meal, speaker, and devotion. Please mark your calendar for the next three meeting dates: February 27, May 13, and September 18.

St. Francis UMC is hosting the next meeting at 6 PM on Thursday, February 27. St. Francis UMC is located at 4200 McKee Rd, Charlotte, NC 28270. Click HERE for more information. RSVP online HERE by Monday, February 24.

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Women's Bible Study
to Mar 13

Women's Bible Study

Join Cannon Hunt, Providence UMC’s Director of Children’s Ministries, for a six-week Bible Study to discover how God made us feel. We will be studying Jennie Allen’s “Untangle Your Emotions”. We will meet in Providence UMC’s Parlor on Thursdays from 9:45-10:45 AM for six weeks (February 6, February 13, February 20, February 27, March 6, and March 13). While this study is designed for young mothers, all are welcome!

If you are interested in joining, please email Cannon Hunt HERE.

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High School Winter Retreat
to Feb 2

High School Winter Retreat

High School Winter Retreat 2025

From Friday, January 31 at 4:00 pm to Sunday, February 2, 2025 at 1:00 pm

This weekend we will spend time at Winterplace ski resort learning about how we can transform the world by following the teachings we find in the Bible. The youth will also be able to participate in skiing, snowboarding, tubing and other fun winter activities this weekend as well. It’s going to be a weekend filled with fellowship and fun!

Pack List

*Money for lunch at the lodge on Saturday/pit stop on the way there and back!
*Water bottle
*Sleeping bag/pillow/air mattress if you don’t want to share one of the beds already there
*Clothes for the weekend

*Shareable snack for large group (boys bring something salty, girls bring something sweet) and a drink!
*Any missing forms 
*Swimsuit if you want to utilize pool

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Centering Prayer
to Mar 20

Centering Prayer

Our PUMC Centering Prayer group meets every Monday at Noon on Zoom. Through the practice of centering prayer, as taught by Dr. Thomas Keating, we embrace the process of transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others. This is a time to rest from the busyness of our daily lives and restore our spiritual strength and purpose. 

"As we sit in Centering Prayer, we are connecting with the Divine life within us" -Thomas Keating, Intimacy with God

For more information or to be added to our contact list for the Zoom link, contact Pam Bashor (HERE) or Bill Jeffries (HERE). All are welcome.

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Equip & Connect
to Jan 30

Equip & Connect

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The Western North Carolina Conference's Equip & Connect Conference will be held virtually January 26-30. This event is for all local church leaders (e.g. lay leaders, council members, volunteers, and all who lead). This is an opportunity to connect with other leaders across our conference and learn about roles, best practices, and new ideas for ministry. Click HERE to learn more and register.

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Cross and Key Prison Ministries Workshop
10:00 AM10:00

Cross and Key Prison Ministries Workshop

Cross and Key Prison Ministries (CKPM) will hold a workshop for anyone interested here at Providence UMC on Thursday, January 23, from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.

CKPM helps local churches learn about the need for prison ministry, including our Methodist history of prison ministry, the biblical and theological foundations for prison ministry, and the current societal needs. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Randy, who is currently CKPM Board Chair (HERE). Mike Smith was previously a Board Chair for CKPM.

To learn more about CKPM, visit the organization's website HERE.

If you are interested in participating in the workshop, register online HERE.

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Christmas Eve
1:00 AM01:00

Christmas Eve

Join us on Christmas Eve for one or more of our services!

11 AM - Children & Family Service with The Net (Contemporary in Wolfe Hall)

4 PM - Holy Communion Chapel Service

5 PM - Festival Service (Traditional with Brass in Sanctuary. Nursery will be provided.)

11 PM - Holy Communion Candlelight Service (Traditional in Sanctuary)

The 11 AM (watch HERE) and 5 PM (watch HERE) services will be available via livestream.

PUMC Christmas Eve Offering

Habitat for Humanity

“Every person deserves a decent place to live.”

Each year, Providence UMC dedicates 100% of the Christmas Eve Offerings to making a big impact for God’s Kingdom. This year’s Christmas Eve Offering will address the affordable housing crisis in Charlotte, enabling us to sponsor a new home for a deserving family through Habitat for Humanity. Nothing could be bigger and more life-changing than helping someone have secure housing of their own!

The Mission Council seeks to make meaningful changes in the lives of those who struggle with affordable housing. Habitat for Humanity has a long history of helping families make the tremendous shift from renting to home ownership. And that one change affects generations after. Truly, home ownership is life-transforming!

Click HERE to learn more about the home we’re building and how you can be a part!

You may donate anytime this season by noting on a check to “Christmas Eve Offering” or giving online (HERE), and/or by bringing an offering to one of the Christmas Eve services.

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Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols
3:30 PM15:30

Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols

Join us during the 8:30 and 11 AM worship services this Sunday, December 22 for A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols. Based on ancient sources, the service was composed for Christmas Eve in 1880 by the Right Reverend Edward White Benson, then Anglican Bishop of Truro, England. The Nine Lessons given have been customarily used in recent years at King’s College, Cambridge. The scripture lessons lead followers of Christ from the fall of mankind to mankind’s ultimate salvation through Christ. Each carol is chosen to illuminate the scripture lesson that precedes it. The Chancel Choir, Junior Choir, Providence Handbell Ringers, and liturgists will present the Christmas story through scripture and song.

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Carols & Creches
1:30 PM13:30

Carols & Creches

Carols & Creches, presented by Providence UMC's Music Ministry, will be held on Tuesday, December 17, between 6 and 8 PM. Drop in to sing some Christmas Carols in the Chapel, view lovely Nativity displays in the Atrium, and partake of cookies & hot chocolate with friends. All are welcome!

If you have a Nativity you would like to display that evening, please contact Lisette Helveston HERE or bring it to the breezeway on Sunday, December 15 (9:30 AM – noon).

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Children's Nativity
to Dec 15

Children's Nativity

Providence UMC’s Children’s Ministry will present the Nativity during the Net Worship Service (9 AM) on Sunday, December 8. To prepare for this special occasion, we will have a rehearsal on Sunday, December 1.  Please join us for Nativity Practice and a delicious spaghetti dinner.  We will meet in Wolfe Hall at 4:30 pm for rehearsal and have dinner following rehearsal at 5:30 pm in Wolfe Annex.  Information about costumes and roles will be shared closer to the date.

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A Night in Bethlehem
1:30 PM13:30

A Night in Bethlehem

During the Sunday School Hour (10 AM) on December 8, all are invited to join us for "A Night in Bethlehem". Costumed characters will discuss their trades and share stories about that special night when Jesus was born. We will begin in the Mission Center.

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Lock-In for Youth
2:00 PM14:00

Lock-In for Youth

PUMC Youth's Mission Lock-In will take place December 7-December 8! The night will be filled with missional projects and fun activities! The cost is $15 to cover dinner. Click HERE to sign up!

If you have any questions, contact Olivia Tobin, Director of Youth Ministries, HERE!

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Cookie Walk & Christmas Market
2:00 PM14:00

Cookie Walk & Christmas Market

Providence United Methodist Women's Cookie Walk and Christmas Market will return on Saturday, December 7 from 9 AM to 12 PM. Stroll down our cookie line and fill your box with your favorite cookies! Shop our specialty sections with sweet & savory food items, Christmas decor, and more!

All proceeds will support UMAR and Dr. Eugene & the New Hope Hospital in Haiti.

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PUMW Christmas Dinner & Program
2:00 PM14:00

PUMW Christmas Dinner & Program

The 27th Annual Providence United Methodist Women (PUMW) Christmas Dinner and Program will be held on Tuesday, December 3 at 6 PM in Wolfe Hall. A festive medley of Christmas music by Tyris Washington and Amanda Hampton will follow the dinner. The cost of the dinner is $16 per person. To make reservations, please click HERE. The deadline for reservations is noon on Wednesday, November 27. Please bring a donation of adult or children's socks for those affected by Hurricane Helene. Join the UMW for this wonderful way to begin the Christmas season!

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Men's Fellowship
1:30 PM13:30

Men's Fellowship

Providence UMC, Dilworth UMC, St. Francis UMC, and St. Stephen UMC have a collective Men's Fellowship group. This group meets quarterly. Dilworth UMC (605 East Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28203) is hosting the next meeting at 6 PM this upcoming Tuesday, December 3. The free event will include a meal and a program. Click HERE for more information.

RSVP online HERE as soon as possible.

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Christmas Altar Flowers
to Dec 15

Christmas Altar Flowers

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Honor and remember your loved ones on Sunday, December 22 (Lessons & Carols servicesand December 24 as we fill our Sanctuary with a beautiful poinsettia arrangement. You must complete an order form; they are available at the Welcome Desk (or download HERE). You may send a check with your order, (Providence UMC, Attention: Lisette Helveston, 2810 Providence Road, Charlotte, NC 28211) or pay online HERE. Contact the Music Ministry office, 704.366.7442 if you have questions. Contributors may pick up their flowers after the 11 PM Christmas Eve service.

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Living With Loss During the Holidays
2:00 PM14:00

Living With Loss During the Holidays

All are invited to Living with Loss During the Holidays on Sunday, November 17 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. The service will be led by the Reverend Walt H. Windley, IV, and hosted by our Stephen Ministry. Whether suffering the loss of a loved one, a job, or a broken relationship, this service will help you prepare for the coming holidays.

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Veterans Day
1:30 PM13:30

Veterans Day

In recognition of Veterans Day 2024, all PUMC members, veterans, and their families are invited to join the Friends and Families of Veterans Committee in the Atrium immediately following the 11 AM worship service on Sunday, November 10.

At that time, we will be showing a recorded interview with Mr. Vernon Brantley, a 100-year-old Army Veteran, who participated in the Battle of The Bulge, which took place from December 14th 1944 until January 25th 1945. Mr. Brantley is a resident of Columbia, South Carolina, and he will be sharing the story of his service and what it meant to him. We are grateful to Mr. Brantley for his service and for joining us to mark the observance of Veterans Day.

Veterans Day is the day set aside to thank and honor ALL those who served honorably in the military – in wartime or peacetime. Veterans Day is largely intended to thank LIVING veterans for their service, to acknowledge that their contributions to our national security are appreciated, and to underscore the fact that all those who served – not only those who died – have sacrificed and done their duty.

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All Saints Sunday
10:00 AM10:00

All Saints Sunday

On Sunday, November 3, we will observe All Saints and remember those Saints in this world, and particularly in our church, who have gone before us into the Church Triumphant. That morning, we will celebrate Holy Communion and hear the names of those in our church who have passed away in the last year.

That evening at 6:30 PM, we will continue this observance in our Sanctuary with a service of music and readings centered around Malcolm Archer’s setting of the Requiem texts. Archer, a British composer, has written a beautifully complex and mysterious setting of this liturgy that our Chancel choir will sing accompanied by a chamber orchestra of musicians from the Charlotte Symphony. Please plan to come and be uplifted as you hear gorgeous music sung by the best church choir in Charlotte!

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St. John's Landscaping Day
10:00 AM10:00

St. John's Landscaping Day

Please join us as we beautify our St. John's campus (4305 Monroe Rd.) on Saturday, November 2 from 9 AM to noon! Bring your rakes, shovels, hedge trimmers, clippers, weedeater, and any other appropriate landscaping materials. We will mulch, plant bushes, trim existing bushes, rake, collect debris, and complete any other related tasks the campus may need. Please make sure you wear long pants and a long-sleeve shirt.

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Rise Against Hunger Event
12:00 PM12:00

Rise Against Hunger Event

On Sunday, October 27, we will again support Rise Against Hunger. Just as our congregation is doing now to support those in Western North Carolina who were decimated by the hurricane, RAH is an organization that addresses those in immediate need of food and responds to global natural and man-made crises, including droughts, floods, conflict zones, and transitioning political situations) by hosting our 20th meal packaging event! It will be held in the Mission Center and will start at noon, right after our worship services. Not only is this event great for individuals, it is also great for the entire family, as anyone over the age of 5 can participate. 

This time, rather than packing our normal 10,000 meals, we're packing 20,000, which means we'll need at least 80 volunteers. So, please sign up to help make it happen. During our 19 previous events, PUMC has packaged over 357,000 meals. Our goal is to pack 500,000 meals by the end of 2027 and these 20,000 will help us get there! To volunteer, please Click HERE. If you are unable to volunteer, but wish to help cover the cost of the meals ($0.42 per meal), please click HERE.

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