Children’s Ministry

Children of all ages are an active, vital and important part of our church community at Providence United Methodist Church! We are committed to helping our children grow in faith development, worship involvement, missions, intergenerational opportunities, and fellowship.

The relationships they are building now are seeds that are being planted for their journey to become loving disciples of Christ, living our their faith in the church and the world by glorifying God and serving others. It is our hope that being involved in our Children and Family Ministries will set the foundation of a lifetime of focusing on loving God, loving our neighbors and loving ourselves.

Throughout the year, our goal is to equip our children and families with tools to help them bridge the seasons and celebrations of the church year into their everyday family life and celebrations.

If you have any questions concerning our ministry area or ways you could get involved, please reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!


What to Expect on Sunday Mornings:


Childcare / Nursery

A professionally staffed nursery for infants through preschool is offered each Sunday. Our nursery offers a safe, loving environment and is open from 8:15 am to 12:30 pm. Sean Rice is our Nursery Coordinator.


Sunday School

Sunday School is a time to gather and learn how God works in their lives. Young children learn that church is a place where they are welcomed and loved. As children grow, they learn the lessons that God teaches us through the Bible and through his son Jesus Christ. We share songs, creative learning exercises, Bible stories, crafts and so much more to grow your child’s understanding of God’s love for us all.

At this time, we are offering two classes from 10:00 – 10:45: Ages 3-5 and ages Kindergarten – 5th grade

Elementary aged children meet for Children’s Church during the Sunday School hour on the first Sunday of each month.


All of our children are encouraged to participate in worship (8:30 AM Relaxed Traditional, 9 AM Contemporary, and 11 AM Traditional). It is important to praise God, pray, sing, and hear the Word with God’s children of all ages. Throughout the year, we offer opportunities for children to help lead worship by reading Scripture, leading in prayer and participating in various skits and readings.


Opportunities and Events for Children

…and more!

More on Children at PUMC?

Fill out the form below or contact the Cannon Hunt, Director of Children’s Ministries, by EMAIL.