Adult Small Groups
PUMC’s Small Groups is a great way to share life with others through Bible study, discussions, fellowship, serve opportunities, prayer, and so much more. As you can see from the list below, there are multiple Small Groups to connect with, and we’re here to help find the right group to fit your needs. Reach out to Teresa Dunn by EMAIL as a next step and she’ll look forward to getting to know you and your Group preferences further.
Contact Teresa Dunn to learn more about our online groups and finding the right group for you. Connect with Teresa by EMAIL or call 704-714-9366.
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Find an Adult Small Group
Meets each Tuesday morning from 6:45-7:45am in person in the Atrium of the church. Led by Rev. Brandon Dirks.
+ Contact Brandon Dirks / EMAIL
Meets every other Sunday at 4pm in person outside at the church. Led by Rev. Brandon Dirks.
+ Contact Brandon Dirks / EMAIL
Gathers the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 5:30-7:00 pm via Zoom. Facilitators: Linda Love Talmadge and Jack Entwistle.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
Meets 1st and 3rd Monday of the month from 7:00-8:45 am via Zoom. Denny Hammack is the group leader.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
Women gathering for brunch, fellowship, discussions, and Bible study. This group is led by Nancy Pryor and Carolyn Boylan.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
meets Mondays from 10:00 am-11:00 am and Wednesdays from 7:00-8:00 pm via Zoom and is led by Rev. Valerie Wilson (open to all).
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
Men and women gathering for Bible study, discussion and fellowship. Wanda Musgrave and Steve Mattix are group leaders.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
meets Mondays from Noon-1:00 pm via Zoom. (open to all). Pam Bashor and Bill Jeffries are the group leaders.
+ Contact Bill Jeffries / EMAIL
Meets 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pm in person at participant’s homes. Brent Matthews and David Dunn are leaders.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7:00 am at 907 W 1st Street, Downtown Charlotte.. Sam Moran is the group leader.
+ Contact Bill Jeffries / EMAIL
Meets Tuesdays from 7:00-8:00 am via Zoom (all generations). Chris Sutherland is the group leader.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
Women of all ages gather for various topic and book studies and discussions. Sue Spears and Jamie Emmons are the group leaders.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month 10:00 am-Noon via Zoom. Donna Bishop is the group leader.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 4:00-6:00 pm via Zoom. Sandy Arey is the group leader.
+ Contact Teresa Dunn / EMAIL