Youth Choir
We are so excited about the new choir year, and we are hopeful that your child(ren) will be here to jump into the fall with us as we raise our voices (safely) in song. This year, we are particularly excited to have some new faces in our midst with regards to our Youth choirs. You’ll see more about that below. Suffice it to say, we have a great year planned!
Youth Choir will kick off on Wednesday, September 12
Youth Choir (rising 6th — 12th graders) is a dedicated group of amazing young people who enjoy making music together. No musical experience is necessary! Youth Choir rehearses on Sunday afternoons, 4:30-5:30 pm, before MYF in the large music ministry rehearsal room under the Sanctuary (Room D022), and the choir sings almost monthly throughout the school year.
Asbury Ringers rehearse on Sundays from 3:30 to 4:30 pm (right before Youth Choir) beginning Sunday, September 12. All Youth Choir singers are eligible to ring in the Asbury Ringers Handbell Choir. Please contact Dr. Ward if you are interested,, 704.647.8704. Spaces are limited, so act fast!