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Lent 2023

Continuing the Story… Walking to Jerusalem

You probably remember that our theme for Advent was Sharing the Story and the beauty is YOU are a part of the story. The Advent kit even contained ways that you were encouraged to continue the story into 2023…

The season of Lent began on Wednesday, February 22. Our Lenten theme is Continuing the Story… Walking to Jerusalem. There are a number of ways for you to walk physically and spiritually during the Lenten season. 


Adult Sunday school classes are encouraged to use Adam Hamilton’s new series called, LUKE; Jesus and the Outsiders, Outcasts, and Outlaws. Children and Youth will also be using stories from Luke during Sunday school.

Other resources for study:

  • You Version App (can also be found online HERE)

  • Luke Podcast with the Bible Project (HERE)

  • Join Bishop, Ken Carter, for a 7-Week Lenten Bible Study at 6 PM on Wednesdays beginning March 1. (learn more and register HERE)

Spend Lent 2023 in the scriptures! Each Monday (February 27 – April 3), Clergy and laity from across the Metro District will email a video devotional message using scripture passages from the lectionary (our own Denny Hammack presents one of the devotions). Use these videos in your personal, family, or small group devotional time. Click HERE to register to receive these emails. Register your friends and family or send them the link so they can register. You do not have to be a part of the Metro District, or a part of a church, to receive these video devotionals. Contact Jatana Royster (HERE) with any questions


As a way to holistically prepare for Easter with body, mind and soul, everyone of all ages is encouraged to participate in the “Walk to Jerusalem.” The congregation is encouraged to write their steps on the strips of paper on the table under the Easter banner by the elevator in the Atrium. There is a basket to collect the strips. There is a big wooden ruler to help mark how far we are each week in our goal of walking the 2,400,000 steps to Jerusalem. We hope everyone of all ages will help us reach our goal by Easter!

There will also be a Walk and Stroll on Sunday, March 12, from 10 to 10:45 am on church grounds. Everyone is encouraged to bring nonperishable items on that day (whether you walk or not) to go toward our neighbors at Loaves and Fishes.

You can also walk a labyrinth! Before they actually go to Loaves and Fishes, the nonperishable items will be used to outline a labyrinth in the Chapel. Anyone can walk the labyrinth for their devotions and reflections beginning March 14.

Earlier Event: February 22
Ash Wednesday
Later Event: February 25
Providence to Broadway