Every family deserves a safe & decent home. By collaborating with Habitat for Humanity, we can provide a stable residence for a family in need.
Who are we Supporting?
Felicia moved to Charlotte from New Jersey in 1994 and has lived in her current residence since 2016. Her daughter Zantasia studies at UNC Charlotte and wants to become a lawyer. They currently live in a rental duplex in the Windsor Park neighborhood that was built in 1960. While her neighborhood is relatively safe, it lacks diversity and her home has structural issues, including foundation shifting, resulting in numerous cracks compromising heating and cooling. The window A/C units are used for cooling, but they have limited capacity and often spread the smell of mildew/mold… click HERE to read more.
Ways to Support
LEARN: The Providence UMC Missions Council invites you to our attend our upcoming meeting, where we will be privileged to host Bob Glusenkamp from Habitat for Humanity, Charlotte Region. Bob will talk about Habitat’s history in Charlotte, partnerships, family relationships, financing of homes, and more. Please join us in the Crosstalkers Classroom on Wednesday, April 2, at 6:15 p.m.
PRAY: Please continue to pray for safety to all of our Habitat Project volunteers during our Habitat House Project. Thanks to those who joined us for the neighborhood Prayer Walk on March 1! Click HERE for photos.
VOLUNTEER ON BUILD DATES: Volunteer to help build our Habitat House! The first build date is Friday, March 7. Click HERE to see the full build schedule. Click HERE to sign up to help build our Habitat House.
VOLUNTEER TO PROVIDE MEALS: Groups who may not want to "swing a hammer" can provide meals for our volunteers on build days. Click HERE to sign up to provide meals.
FINANCIAL SUPPORT: If you want to provide financial support to this project, please click HERE to navigate to our online giving portal.