PUMC continues to invest mission support and volunteers in Haiti to help establish clean water initiatives, provide economic loans to Haitian women and several communities in northern Haiti, provide medical mission teams that treat more than 3,000 patients per week, and educational projects and funding to help advance generations towards a more prosperous future.
Wanda Musgraves has helped our brothers and sisters in Haiti by ensuring they have access to quality Health Care and clean drinking water. Listen to the stories she shares with the Metro District Sights and Sounds Podcast by clicking here!

A two-year pilot program for the Cap Haitian Ministry Center (CHMC) was originally funded by Providence UMC. The onsite office provides structure and support to our ministry partner Dr. Eugene. In 2017, the CHMC successfully launched and is now supported by an independent non-profit and funded by many contributing members including churches, universities, other non-profits and individuals. Providence UMC is now one of the contributing partners.